The OFFICI@L – n° 87 – September 2023, the new issue of our newsletter, which is dedicated to EU civil servants, has just been published. It is available in English and French.
This month :
-> Focus : the professional secrecy of officials and agents
-> Case-law : the conclusion of successive contracts of temporary agent 2(b) on different positions is compliant with the CEOS
-> Belgian law : Law of May 4, 2023 on consumer debts : lighter penalty for late or forgotten payments
Take a look !
Download the OFFICI@L – n°87 – September 2023
ÉDITO of the newsletter the OFFICI@L – n°87 – September 2023
Dear readers,
Our first newsletter after the summer holidays will focus on the professional secrecy of officials and agents of the European Institutions. We also share with you our observations on a recent judgment of the EU General Court, regarding the possible succession of contracts of temporary agents 2(b) on different positions, which should not go unnoticed.
In our « Belgian Law» section, we take a look at the new law on consumer debts, which will help to reduce the penalty for late or forgotten payments.
This newsletter is also yours, and we welcome any suggestions you may have for future issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the following e-mail address:
We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and have a great return to the office after the summer holidays!
the OFFICI@L is a publication of the EU Law of DALDEWOLF, a specialist in the European and international civil service. Contributors to the June 2023 issue:
- Thierry BONTINCK;
- Marianne BRÉSART;
- Lucie MARCHAL;
- Lauren BURGUIN;
- Wadii MIFTAH;
- Belgian Law: Dominique BOGAERT;
- and Candice FASTREZ (PERSPECTIVES, family law).
the OFFICI@L is a newsletter published in collaboration with Renouveau et Démocratie