the OFFICI@L – No. 79 – October 2022

The October issue of our newsletter the OFFICI@L (No. 79), which is dedicated to EU civil servants, has just been published. It is available in English and French.

the OFFICI@L n°79 octobre 2022 - newsletter

This month:

-> Focus:The role of the personal file in protecting and informing the official and other servant

-> Caselaw: Disciplinary proceedings and reasonable time

-> Day to Day in Belgium: The obligation to provide electronic means of payment

Take a look!

Frontpage of the OFFICI@L - No. 79 - October 2022 newsletter

Download the OFFICI@L – No. 79 – October 2022

EDITO of the newsletter the OFFICI@L – No. 79 – October 2022

Dear readers,

In this new issue, we would like to take a look at the personal file and what it may or may not contain.

In terms of case law, the General Court recently recalled the principles that apply to the duration of disciplinary proceedings.

In our “Daily life in Belgium” section, we will discuss the new obligation of companies to offer consumers the possibility of making their payments electronically.

the OFFICI@L is also a means of communication between our team and its readers. So if you would like us to address certain issues in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to send us your questions or suggestions (

We wish you a pleasant reading!



the OFFICI@L is a publication of the European and competition law team of DALDEWOLF, a specialist in the European and international civil service. Contributors to the October 2022 issue:

the OFFICI@L is a newsletter published in collaboration with Renouveau et Démocratie