Portrait de Marianne BRÉSART, Avocate collaboratrice du cabinet DALDEWOLF

Marianne BRÉSART is an attorney at law, registered with the Luxembourg Bar (2018). She is also registered on the E list of the French Brussels Bar (2022). She is a Counsel in the Brussels office of DALDEWOLF and part of the European Union Law team.

Marianne brings her expertise to the European Union Law team and to the European and International Civil Service.


  • State aid: taxation; general block exemption regulation; service of general economic interest (including transport, health, communications) and implementation of public policies or projects; EU funds and programmes
  • Sanctions: sanctions against Russia; blocking statute
  • Remuneration policies (CRD V – EBA Guidelines)
  • Financial regulations
  • EIB staff regulations
  • Procedural rules (litigation)





  • « Sanctions UE : questions choisies (gel de fonds et limitation des dépôts russes) », in AGEFI Luxembourg, April 2022, pp. 10 et seq.
  • “A dedicated regime for financial sanctions in Luxembourg”, in AGEFI Luxembourg, January 2021, pp. 11 et seq.
  • « Chronique de droit bancaire et financier européen », in Journal de droit européen, January 2018, No 245, pp. 27 et seq. (with P.E. Partsch et J. Zeaiter)
  • Brochure « aides, subventions et autres soutiens publics aux entreprises établies au Luxembourg ».
  • « Chronique de droit bancaire et financier européen », in Journal de droit européen, January 2017, No 235, pp. 17 et seq. (with P.E. Partsch)
  • « Aides d’État en matière de fiscalité directe : développements récents de la Commission et des juridictions européennes », in AGEFI Luxembourg, July-August 2016, pp. 6 et seq.
  • “Strengthened sanctions under UCITS V and procedural steps leading to penalties imposed by the CSSF: a first aid kit”, in AGEFI Luxembourg, May 2016, pp. 34 et seq.

Conferences and seminars 

  • 9 June 2022 : “EU sanctions: dos and don’ts”, webinar, Arendt House, Luxembourg
  • 20 October 2021 : “State aid available in Luxembourg”, webinar, Arendt House, Luxembourg
  • 27 June 2018 : « 5 ans d’application du paquet SIEG II », Arendt House, Luxembourg
  • 14 March 2019 « Ayez le réflexe du droit européen ! Coup de projecteur sur la question préjudicielle », Institut de Droit européen des Barreaux, Brussels