the OFFICI@L – No. 83 – February 2023

The OFFICI@L – No. 83 – February 2023, the new issue of our newsletter, which is dedicated to EU civil servants, has just been published. It is available in English and French.

the OFFICI@L n°83 février 2023 - newsletter

This month:

-> Focus: Freedom of expression, let’s talk about it!

-> Case-Law: Restricting the second language to three official languages in a competition notice

-> Human Rights: An Insight: Whistleblowers and freedom of expression

Take a look!

Download the OFFICI@L – No. 83

EDITO of the newsletter the OFFICI@L – No. 83 – February 2023

Dear readers,

In this second Newsletter of the year, we propose a focus on the freedom of expression of the civil servants and agents as well as the analysis of a judgment dealing with the question of the limitation of the second language in a competition notice, to only three official languages of the European Union.

In our “Fundamental Rights” section, we will discuss a recent case of the European Court of Human Rights on freedom of expression and whistleblowers.

If you would like us to address specific topics in future issues of the OFFICI@L, please send us your questions or suggestions ( We look forward to hearing from you.

We wish you an excellent reading!



the OFFICI@L is a publication of the European and competition law team of DALDEWOLF, a specialist in the European and international civil service. Contributors to the February 2023 issue:

the OFFICI@L is a newsletter published in collaboration with Renouveau et Démocratie