the OFFICI@L – No. 76 – April/May 2022

The April/May issue of our newsletter the OFFICI@L (No. 76), which is dedicated to EU civil servants, has just been published. It is available in English and French.


This month:

-> Focus on challenging a decision by the administration: the right reflexes to adopt

-> Case-law: The General Court has confirmed the lawfulness of a decision of hte Parliament which required hte presentation of a valid COVID certificate to any person wishing to access the Parliament’s premises

-> Day-to-day in Belgium: The Belgian Civil Code extends the legal guarantee for the supply of goods and services to consumers

Front page of issue #76 of the OFFICI@L - April/May 2022

Download the OFFICI@L – No. 76 – April/May 2022

EDITO of the OFFICI@L – No. 76 – April/May 2022

Dear readers,

In this new issue, we propose to focus on the reflexes to adopt to challenge a decision of the administration. We will take a look at the decisions that can be challenged and how to challenge them.

In terms of case law, we will look at an interesting judgment of the General Court which ruled that the European Parliament could require all persons wishing to access the Parliament’s buildings to have a Covid certificate.

The Belgian law section will be dedicated to the extension of the legal guarantee for the purchase of digital content and services as of 1 June 2022.

We wish you an excellent reading!




the OFFICI@L is a publication of the European and competition law team of DALDEWOLF, a specialist in the European and international civil service.

Contributors to the March 2022 issue:

the OFFICI@L is a newsletter published in collaboration with Renouveau et Démocratie.