Food & Beverage
Le secteur des aliments et boissons est en constante évolution. Son importance, la diversité de ses acteurs et la complexité des défis qu’il doit relever requièrent une approche spécifique.
Devenu rapidement le secteur le plus intensivement réglementé en Europe, il confronte régulièrement les entreprises à des questions d’interprétation de la législation. Celles-ci doivent pouvoir prendre des décisions rapides et stratégiques.
L’équipe Food & Beverage est dirigée par Aude Mahy, l’une des rares expertes reconnues en la matière en Belgique et en Europe.
Forte d’une connaissance approfondie du secteur et des challenges auquel il fait face, l’équipe se se veut un allié de choix des entreprises alimentaires pour les accompagner au plus haut niveau dans le développement de leurs projets et, en cas de besoin, la gestion de crises, des conflits avec les entreprises concurrentes et des discussions avec les instances administratives (AFSCA, Commission, EFSA).
Les avocats de l’équipe Food & Beverage assistent ainsi les entreprises alimentaires à toutes les étapes de la production, commercialisation et distribution des aliments, boissons, compléments alimentaires, denrées destinées à des fins médicales spéciales ainsi que des aliments pour animaux. Ils représentent également leurs clients dans le cadre de procédures administratives ou judiciaires, en cas de différend avec les autorités ou avec un autre acteur.
Pour les projets internationaux, le cabinet a développé un réseau spécialisé et est également membre du Food Lawyers Network Worldwide®, avec qui l’équipe entretient des liens très étroits. Le cabinet n’a de relations exclusives avec aucun bureau d’avocats et peut donc conseiller les clients en fonction des seuls intérêts de ceux-ci.
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Chambers Europe – Regulatory: Agro/Food – Europe-wide – 2024 ‘Spotlight’
‘Aude Mahy leads DALDEWOLF’s food law practice team. She has considerable expertise advising clients at a Belgian and EU level, handling contentious and non-contentious matters, including those relating to food crisis management and labelling.’
Legal500 2024 – EU Regulatory: Food Belgium
DALDEWOLF‘s ‘unique’ team combines expertise in food regulations with a deep knowledge of consumer, advertising, contracts, distribution, competition and intellectual property law. The group also has a strong record in crisis management relating to product bans and contamination, including cross-border proceedings and litigation before European and domestic courts. Food and beverages industry sector specialist Aude Mahy is singled out as ‘really an expert in her field,’ and is instructed by producers and operators across the supply chain, alongside retailers.
Practice head(s): Aude Mahy
Other key lawyers: Floriane Delbaere
‘Aude Mahy and Floriane Delbaere are very service-minded, have high responsiveness and sense of urgency, and a comprehensive understanding of both EU food regulations and regulations in neighbouring countries.’
‘Aude Mahy is brilliant.’
‘Aude Mahy is extremely well experienced in food and consumer goods law (industry and retail).’
‘Aude Mahy is a specialist in food law. She was very helpful in defending our case.’
‘Aude Mahy is an excellent expert in food law, totally dedicated to her clients, and very open to co-working with them on cases.’
‘Aude Mahy and her team have huge expertise in food law and dealing with Belgian food authorities. The team’s practice combines regulatory assistance and litigation. This is unique in Belgium.’
‘Aude Mahy is really an expert in her field. She is my go-to person for Belgium.’
‘Very high level of expertise in food regulation. Reactiveness, availability at any time, reactivity to provide documents, official opinions, and reports. Good teamwork. Efficient in negotiation with authorities, calm, good arguments, well prepared.’
Legal500 2024 – Industry Focus: Food in Belgium
DALDEWOLF assists clients in advisory and dispute matters along the whole food and beverage lifecycle, spanning advertising and market entries as well as national and EU-wide litigation. The firm combines in-depth expertise in regulatory issues with know-how in competition and IP law. It fields a sizeable client roster consisting of global players in addition to Belgium-based companies. ‘Top-performance support’ Aude Mahy leads the practice group and is highly regarded for her experience in food law which includes a number of high-profile matters relating to nutrition and health claims.
Practice head(s): Aude Mahy
Other key lawyers: Floriane Delbaere
‘The team has a clear, full, pragmatic approach. It is very constructive. The team’s competencies are expansive enough to be able to cover different topics within the scope but also able to challenge a larger scope when necessary.’
‘Very good collaboration and very constructive, oriented to results approach.’
‘Aude Mahy is a great lawyer.’
‘Aude Mahy understands and knows the food industry very well and is therefore familiar with all potential issues, which is a plus.’
‘Expertise in food regulation. Efficient in negotiation with authorities, calm, good arguments, well-prepared.’
‘Aude Mahy is a top-performance support, fast handling, high-level of knowledge in the sector, good networking also.’
‘Aude Mahy and her team are just excellent food lawyers. The team’s practice combines regulatory work and litigation. This is unique in Belgium.’
‘The firm’s strong points are the staff’s specialised skills in food law and their availability to help us solve problems. The collaboration and trust were essential to solve complex specific problems involving the client and the authorities.’