EU Law

EU law is constantly expanding and has a significant impact on business and relationships between countries, organisations and institutions.

DALDEWOLF’s team dedicated to EU legal matters is composed of experienced lawyers protecting the clients’ interests at both national and European level. The EU law team regularly appears before the relevant national and international courts.

DALDEWOLF has a long-standing practice and valuable expertise in EU litigation and EU investigations. This includes specific experience and sought-after specialisations about the European civil service, the sanctions of the EU’s common foreign and security policy (CFSP),the audit of EU-funded projects and the implementation of preventive compliance programmes in all areas of EU law.


With a team of lawyers who are used to successfully appearing before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU in Luxembourg), DALDEWOLF is the ideal partner to assist organisations,companies, associations, and any economic actor at pre-litigation or litigation phases, in the various areas of  EU law.

Internal market and regulated professions

DALDEWOLF advises its clients to support them in understanding and benefiting from the functioning of the European Internal Market (free movement of persons, goods, freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment).

Notably, our team provides legal support to regulated professions (doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, auditors, accountants, veterinarians, etc.) and the professional associations and bodies representing them, which are directly influenced by the rules of the European internal market  and competition law.

The European Commission and the national competition authorities strictly monitor the correct application of these rules. Compliance is considered a priority in most Member States and has been the subject of important decisions by national and European courts in recent years, resulting in substantial fines being imposed on professional bodies and associations.

One of DALDEWOLF’s areas of expertise is the compliance of professional practices with the regulations in force. We advise representatives of the regulated professions in their relations with the various European and national authorities and in the application of the law. The team specialises in setting up dedicated audit and compliance programmes, in accordance with the ethical and deontological rules of these professions.

EU contract law

DALDEWOLF successfully assists stakeholders in their precontractual and contractual relationships with the EU Institutions, including public procurement and EU Grants. The team provides daily or ad hoc legal support in the execution of these contracts and can guide operators through the EU administration to resolve delicate situations. The lawyers will also provide strong legal support in case of litigation concerning EU procurement contracts and grant agreements subject to the specific rules of the European Financial Regulation.

European and international civil service law

DALDEWOLF has a practice dedicated to the European and international civil service. The specialised lawyers assist officials, employees, but also European agencies and international organisations, as well as staff representative bodies.

The lawyers have notably extensive experience in assisting and representing clients in administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings, in internal procedures (inquiry related support, Disciplinary Boards, OLAF and IDOC investigations) as well as in litigation (before the EU General Court and other international courts) that these matters generate.

A monthly newsletter dedicated to the European civil service law is published by DALDEWOLF EU law team (the Offici@l).

Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

DALDEWOLF has extensive experience in the field of common foreign and security policy. The lawyers assist both individuals and legal entities in the context of sanctions imposed by the European Union. They are also familiar with legal issues relating to EU-Africa cooperation under the Lomé and Cotonou Agreements.


Any natural person, company, association or even university active in or for the EU may be involved in an investigation or audit carried out by the EU authorities, including the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Court of Auditors or by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO).

EU Administrative investigations and Audits

DALDEWOLF provides support to parties involved in administrative investigations conducted within the EU Institutions, agencies and bodies, notably relating to allegations of non-financial misconducts and disciplinary matters.

DALDEWOLF assists the parties concerned in the context of audits of projects and contracts financed by European or international donors, and of problems of irregular execution or recovery procedure linked to these contracts and launched by the EU Institutions or agencies.

DALDEWOLF offers to these operators the expertise of its lawyers to assert all their rights during these procedures, but also to design and evaluate preventive measures.

Fraud and criminal EU investigations

The skills and experience of DALDEWOLF lawyers make them particularly qualified to assist any economic operator subject to an anti-fraud investigation by OLAF or a criminal investigation by the European Public Prosecutor Office, if necessary in cooperation with specialized criminal lawyers relating to allegations of misconduct affecting the financial interests of the EU. Our team provides unfailing support at each stage of investigation or prosecution procedure.

