The DALDEWOLF newsletter “the OFFICI@L”, dedicated to European Union officials, has just been published for its new May edition. It is available in both French and English. On the agenda this month:
-> Focus on unpaid leave for officials and other servants of the European Union
-> Recent case law on duty station residence requirement and pandemic
-> Daily news from Belgium: coronavirus and property ownership
-> New section on human rights: discrimination in the granting of family allowances
Have a look!
Download the full issue of OFFICI@L #67
the OFFICI@L is the legal newsletter of the European public service. It has been published, since 2013, by the DALDEWOLF European Law and Competition team within the framework of its practice dedicated to the European and International Civil Service, in collaboration with Renouveau & Démocratie (a trade-union of the European institutions’ staff).