Aude Mahy, partner at DALDEWOLF specializing in food law, spoke on television during a debate organized on the occasion of the food security issues discovered in recent weeks (salmonella in confectionery, E. coli bacteria in pizzas and listeria in cheeses).
“During a food crisis,” said Aude Mahy on LN24, “the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC-AFSCA-FAVV) and the food company work for the same interest, to guarantee food safety. However, unlike the FASFC-AFSCA-FAVV, the company is playing its reputation.”
The DALDEWOLF lawyer had started by declaring: “Food law is a subject which has not yet entered into the mentality of the lawyer. For several years, we have been witnessing a more complex nature of food rules, because food safety rules were made previously by scientists for scientists, but we have had since 2002 for lawyers the creation of the foundation of food law at European level. This is a subject that is very young, and which, in Belgium, contrary to what happens in other Member States, is not taught in universities. Our country lacks training for lawyers in food law.”
Following the introduction to the debate by Aude Mahy, the presenter also pointed out that the lawyer specializing in food law had just written “Droit alimentaire, approche pragmatique de la réglementation belge et européenne” which will be published by Larcier in two weeks.
The presenter Julien Bal had invited to participate in his program entitled “Sécurité alimentaire: est-on plus en danger qu’avant?”:
- Yvan Larondelle, professor of biochemistry and nutrition at UCLouvain
- Aline Van den Broeck, Spokesperson for the FASFC-AFSCA-FAVV (Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain)
- Johan Hallaert, director of the food policy dept. of Fevia
- Aude Mahy, lawyer specializing in food law
To watched the televised debate of this Wednesday, April 20, 2022 on LN24: Sécurité alimentaire: est-on plus en danger qu’avant?
LN24 is the first continuous news channel in Belgium. It was founded in October 2018 by Martin Buxant, Joan Condijts and Boris Portnoy. Since December 23, 2021, the media group IPM (La Libre, La Dernier Heure, DH Radio, L’Avenir, Moustique, Paris Match…) has become the majority shareholder of LN24. The studios and editorial staff of LN24 are located in Brussels.