THANK YOU || Kick Cancer’s race 2023

To each and all Participants, Donors and Teams,

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support during the sixth edition of the Run To Kick race. Your unwavering generosity and dedication have made an immense impact, enabling Kick Cancer to raise an astounding €1,234,800 for this vital cause: fight kids cancer.

In this remarkable event, Kick Cancer was fortunate to have 2392 participants and 217 teams, coming together from various walks of life to unite under a common mission. DALDEWOLF takes great pride in being part of this collective effort, and it’s with immense joy that we share our accomplishment—our team secured the third highest amount of aggregated donations in this edition.

At DALDEWOLF, we firmly believe in the power of collective giving, and your support has indeed proven this belief. Your contributions, as givers and runners, have positioned us on the stage of accomplishment, where we celebrated the difference we collectively made in the fight against childhood cancer.

A significant portion of the funds raised through RUN TO KICK will be dedicated to pioneering FIGHT KIDS CANCER research projects. This initiative plays a vital role in offering innovative treatments that bring hope and healing to children bravely facing cancer.

Your commitment to this cause echoes our values and purpose. Every step taken, every donation made, is a step closer to a brighter, healthier future for these courageous young souls. Together, we are making a real and lasting impact in the lives of those who need it the most.

Once again, thank you for being an integral part of this incredible journey. Your compassion, generosity, and dedication have inspired us all, and we look forward to continuing this collective effort in the fight against childhood cancer.