Portrait de Daniel DJEDI DJONGAMBOLO OHONGÉ, Avocat collaborateur du bureau de Kinshasa du cabinet DALDEWOLF

Prof. Dr. Daniel Djedi Djongambolo Ohongé is a lawyer at the Sankuru Bar, Democratic Republic of Congo (2019). He is Counsel at DALDEWOLF.

Daniel is also a professor at the University of Tshumbe (DR Congo) and, since 2013, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal (Canada), where he has also been, since 2018, a research associate at the Centre de Droit des Affaires et du Commerce International (CDACI). He also taught as an associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Congo and at the Faculty of Law of Djibouti, where he practiced for five years as a consultant in business law for international groups and Djiboutian national institutions.


  • OHADA law (commercial and corporate law, arbitration law and simplified procedures for recovery and enforcement)
  • New technologies law
  • Banking law
  • Business criminal law
  • Tax law
  • Labor law
  • Law of cooperative societies
  • Mining law



  • Post-doctorate degree in corporate governance from the University of Montreal, Canada (2017)
  • Doctorate in business law from the University of Montreal, Canada (2016)
  • Master 2 in business law and taxation from the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics of the University of Orleans, France (2008)
  • Bachelor’s degree in private law from the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics of the University of Orleans, France (2006)



  • « Précis de droit commercial congolais à la lumière du droit OHADA », Éditions universitaires européennes, Dec. 2021
  • « Une réflexion critique autour des mécanismes de gouvernance des coopératives », Éditions JFD, Montreal, Dec. 2020
  • « Guide de rédaction en droit : Etapes et techniques pour la rédaction d’une dissertation juridique, JFD, Montréal, Jan. 2020
  • « Droit pénal des affaires djiboutien : Synthèse des infractions et cas pratiques », Montreal, Oct. 2019
  • « Le principe québécois de l’impartageabilité de la réserve des coopératives non financières : discussion critique autour du maintien ou de la suppression », Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montréal, 2016


Portrait de Daniel DJEDI DJONGAMBOLO OHONGÉ, Avocat collaborateur du bureau de Kinshasa du cabinet DALDEWOLF

Daniel Djedi Djongambolo Ohongé

Avocat, counsel

Corporate and Financial Law
Employment Law
Mining & Quarrying (DRC)

French, English, Lingala, Otetela and notions of spoken Arabic